1. The student will complete and submit the online "RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT" form.
2. The student will follow the site selection process as outlined in the classroom presentation and/or training.
3. In the event that a student cannot attend an activity time, the UTEP student will communicate this change to the Site Supervisor and/or CCE well in advance (at least two weeks in advance, unless it is an emergency). The student will work out any schedule changes with the site and/or the CCE.
4. If the student fears that he/she will not be able to complete the required service activities before the deadline, the student should contact the CCE as early as possible to explain the situation. The CCE, along with the Professor, may be able to explore possible alternatives; however, this is only done in situations where the student is not at fault.
5. If a student confronts a difficulty that he/she is not able to resolve, the student will contact the CCE by email for assistance.
6. To get full credit, the student will complete the required activities/hours and document them on the CUE before the deadline set for their participating class. Students will also agree to follow all other program guidelines.
7. In the case that the student stops participating due to an extenuating circumstance, the student has the responsibility to notify the CCE by email.
8. The student will ALWAYS wear appropriate attire to the site when participating in community engagement activities/projects.
9. The student will work in a collaborative manner throughout the program and will show respect to others, just as the student will be respected by others on/from the site.
10. To uphold confidentiality, the student agrees to not use any information acquired through the course of this program for personal reasons. Also, the student agrees to not use the community members for any research purposes.
11. The student should understand that by participating in this program, they are representing The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). As such, any conduct or behavior exhibited by the student, while participating, is subject to the policies of The University of Texas at El Paso’s Handbook of Operating Procedures and/or the University’s disciplinary process. For more information, please visit the UTEP’s Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution webpage and review - https://www.utep.edu/hoop/.