Database Access Issues Quiz

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What are the most useful general databases for UTEP undergrads?
If a user is having browser issues which of the following can you do:
If an article is not available as full text in a database, that means that we don’t have access to the full text article at all.
If a student can’t get access to a full text article from a database they can:
If an off campus user is having trouble connecting to one of our online resources, what can you recommend?
What does the UTEP VPN do?
Off campus users can find full text scholarly articles the UTEP library has access to on Google Scholar without being connected to the VPN
If a user has a citation or title of an article or journal, how can you check to see if the library has full text access?
If a user is asking how to find certain kinds of articles or books about tapeworms what can you do?
If you get a research question on the weekend or after hours when there are no librarians, you can
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