ESLC Chair Election Ballot for 2024-2025 Term

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Elections of Chairs:  As dictated by the ESLC By-laws, elections will be managed by the current ESLC Operations Chair and supervised by the ESLC Advisor. The top five nominees with the largest number of votes will be declared the newly elected Chairs and at that point will either accept or deny the position.  

Newly elected Chairs must have 1) completed one semester as a full-time or part-time student in the College of Engineering (COEN), 2) NOT be a SGA Senator or President of any student organization to accept the position.  It is preferred that they a) have at least two consecutive long semesters remaining in their UG and/or GR studies and b) have a 2.75 cumulative GPA.

Voting will be made by the membership of the ESLC which is the President of each student organization in the College of Engineering AND the current ESLC Chairs.

Voting will be open:  staring April 25, 10:00am until April 26, 12:00pm.
Person Casting their Vote
Ballot - select 5 nominees to fill the five Chair positions
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