Reference Interview Quiz

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What should you already be doing when a patron approaches the desk?
To show interest in the patron's question, you should be?
In order to get assist the patron you should always interrupt them if you already know what they are going to say.
Clarifying questions are helpful if you are not sure about the patron's request.
Paraphrasing a patron's question in your own words demonstrates what?
Open ended questions cannot be answered with yes or no.
The internet is running slow and the search you are running in MInerQuest for a patron is taking awhile.  What should you be doing while your search is taking time or you are calling someone for help or information?
Refer a patron to a librarian, when... (mark all that apply)
You have found an article for a patron.  What should you make sure to give them?
What statement should you end your reference interview?
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