
2023-2024 President's Meritorious Faculty Service Award

The President’s Meritorious Faculty Service Award honors a faculty member who has performed outstanding institutional service to students, colleagues, and/or other University stakeholders, transcending job expectations. Faculty members who have completed, upon nomination, at least seven years of service in a faculty role at UTEP are eligible. The award is accompanied by a $1000 cash prize and a commemorative plaque. Please submit your nomination by May 31, 2024.

Before selecting 'Start', please be prepared to submit a statement of support that comments on the nature and scope of the individual's contribution, how it transcends that person's job expectations, and how it advances the UTEP mission. Nominators will have the option to enter their name at the end of the form or remain anonymous.

Suggestion for writing a compelling nomination statement: Start with a clear, direct, and specific statement of why the nominee deserves recognition. Include enough information for the nomination committee to become familiar with the nominee’s specific challenges faced, actions taken, and results or goals met. Consider listing the most important information in the first few sentences and then elaborate as necessary. Elaborate on why the nominee's accomplishments are worthy of the award.
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